This website was developed by Godlands Technology Co., LLC.
As of 2023, the global population is approximately 8 billion. According to United Nations statistics, there are 195 countries in the world, including 193 UN member states and 2 observer states (Vatican City and Palestine). In these many countries, the way leaders are produced varies depending on the country's political system and historical background. The governments of various countries include presidential systems, semi-presidential systems, parliamentary systems, monarchies, one-party systems, and military governments.
Leaders of governments come and go, some change often, and some change only after a long time. They represent the political system of a country, determine its economic policies, and affect global peace. They influence the daily lives of every ordinary person in this world.
No matter what kind of political system is in place, for the vast majority of national leaders, ordinary citizens are often powerless regarding their appointment and removal. In many countries, it is not up to ordinary citizens to decide who becomes the national leader.
Generally speaking, national leaders wield great power and can decide the fate of ordinary individuals at any time. At the same time, their daily lives are very mysterious. Ordinary people have no way of knowing what they do all day long in real life and have no public platform to comment on their lives.
This is why we founded this website. At least, if we really like our leaders, we can share a small amount of visible pocket money from our private wallets and present an electronic rose to the leaders we truly admire.
In this digital age, we are often just numbers to others, and many times, we are not even a number at all. Here, we use our wallets to make the leader's people-friendly effect intuitively visible and make the leader a number for us.
The website hopes you can participate in this activity and hopes the number of participants will be sufficient for the website to write a report at the end of the year to show who is the most popular leader among ordinary people.
The website has opened an account @loveyou10kyears on X.
If you have any suggestions or ideas, we look forward to your comments on X.
E-mail: [email protected].